Revelation Bible Prophecy Blog2022-03-08T19:18:44+00:00

Revelation Bible Prophecy Blog

Revelation is a warning from Jesus about false Islamic teaching. Do not follow the False Prophet. Revelation-Now helps you learn the truth of Jesus. The blog has many articles about Islam, Jesus, end times, and Bible prophecy.

An introduction to Bible prophecy about Islam
2103, 2018

The Crucifixion Date of Jesus was April 3, 33 AD

By |March 21st, 2018|Categories: Listen to Jesus, Monthly, Trust in Jesus|Comments Off on The Crucifixion Date of Jesus was April 3, 33 AD

When was the Crucifixion of Jesus and First Easter? History, Astronomy and the Prophet Daniel Provide the Date The Crucifixion of Jesus Was Friday April 3, 33 AD Jesus waited to reveal that he was God until his time had come.  While this had many purposes, one was to fulfill all Bible prophecy, including the date of his death.  The crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Son [...]

202, 2018

Jesus Will Return When Jews Say “Blessed Is He”

By |February 2nd, 2018|Categories: Monthly, Prophetic Current Events, Trust in Jesus|Comments Off on Jesus Will Return When Jews Say “Blessed Is He”

“Baruch haba B’Shem Adonai” “Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord” Jesus said prepare for His return, you do not know the hour.  It will surprise you.  But Jesus also did say we would recognize the season.  One sure sign of the season is the outpouring of the Spirit into the Jewish remnant. Shortly before his crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus warned [...]

1601, 2018

Jesus Did Not Say in the Bible Mohammad Follows Him

By |January 16th, 2018|Categories: False Prophet, Listen to Jesus, Monthly|Comments Off on Jesus Did Not Say in the Bible Mohammad Follows Him

Is Mohammad in the Bible? Did Jesus promise Mohammd would follow?  No Jesus did not say this.  Christians need to share the truth of the Gospel with Muslims.  Many Christians are surprised when Muslims say Mohammad is in the Bible; thus, what Mohammad taught about Jesus must be true.  Christians need to be aware of some of the texts Muslims cite in support of the [...]

1001, 2018

Jesus Eternal Existence Truth from the Bible

By |January 10th, 2018|Categories: Listen to Jesus, Monthly, Trust in Jesus|Comments Off on Jesus Eternal Existence Truth from the Bible

Jesus Is Eternal, The Alpha and the Omega Jesus eternal existence truth is clearly proved in the Bible many times.  Muslim scholars, Jehovah Witnesses and some liberal theologians try to make the case that Jesus was “begotten.”  By this they mean Jesus was created and not eternal.  If Jesus was created, he cannot be God.  If Jesus is eternal, Jesus is God.  Since Islam teaches [...]

1911, 2017

Islamic God Afraid Jesus Is the Son of God

By |November 19th, 2017|Categories: Beast of Revelation, Bible vs Qur’an, Monthly|Comments Off on Islamic God Afraid Jesus Is the Son of God

Jesus Was the Humble Man from Galilee Why is the Islamic god afraid Jesus is the Son of God?  This is a story about two supernatural beings–Jesus or the Islamic Allah. You will have to decide which is the most powerful. You must decide which one to worship. You must decide which one can give you the only path to heaven. Which story is completely [...]

111, 2017

Muslims Seeking God Need Jesus-the Truth

By |November 1st, 2017|Categories: Bible vs Qur’an, Monthly, Trust in Jesus|Comments Off on Muslims Seeking God Need Jesus-the Truth

The Koran Does Not Give the Truth Only the Gospel of Jesus Is the Way Help Muslims seeking God receive the Gospel of Jesus.  Muslims seeking God need Jesus the truth and light. Jesus is the only path to heaven. Again we have witnessed another senseless terrorist attack in New York City.  Eight people were killed, and 11 seriously injured and hospitalized by a Muslim [...]

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