Revelation Bible Prophecy Blog
Revelation is a warning from Jesus about false Islamic teaching. Do not follow the False Prophet. Revelation-Now helps you learn the truth of Jesus. The blog has many articles about Islam, Jesus, end times, and Bible prophecy.
Seeing Jesus in the Passover Meal
Seeing Jesus in the Passover Meal Jesus is the Fulfillment of the Passover Promise Seeing Jesus in the Passover meal. It is Passover this week. We also remember the bitter suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Most important, we celebrate his resurrection. Some people know that Jesus celebrated the Passover, but many people do not know that Jesus is represented all throughout the Passover Seder meal. [...]
Jesus Is the Eternal Word of God
Jesus is the Eternal Word of God. How do we know this? Because the Bible clearly tells us this fact. John 1:1-5 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was [...]
Jesus Gives 343 Warnings About Islam
Jesus Gives 343 Warnings about Islam Listen to Warnings from Jesus Jesus gives 343 warnings about Islam. Jesus has revealed the true meaning of hundreds of hidden Daniel and Revelation prophecies. Many books and movies have been written and produced about the end times. But most have little, if any, prophetic fulfillment. They are from man’s interpretations, not Jesus. Yet the Bible is perfectly accurate. [...]
The Astonishing Prophecies Of Jesus Christ
REJOICE AT THE ASTONISHING PROPHECIES OF JESUS CHRIST! SIMPLY ASTONISHING PROPHECIES YOU CAN TRUST THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST The astonishing prophecies of Jesus Christ are fulfilled. Do you really appreciate the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ? Do you know how special it really is? Forget the commercial side of Christmas. Prophecy can be thought of as "pre-written" history. The Old Testament contains 351 prophecies [...]
My Visions of Jesus Reveal the Truth about Islam
Visions of Jesus Reveal the Truth Jesus Wants all Muslims to Be Saved Visions from Jesus Reveal the truth of Islam. Jesus has an important message for the world. Jesus has appeared in remarkable visions to me, revealing important truths of the last days. In one vision Jesus appeared as the only living tree, the glorious Tree of Life, in a huge forest of dying [...]
Iran Nuclear War With Israel
Nuclear Talks in Vienna Fail Iran Will Have a Nuclear Bomb Iran Nuclear War With Israel--Is this the Gog War? The "Strong Bulls of Bashan" that Encircled Jesus Christ Will Be Destroyed Iran nuclear war with Israel may be very soon. Israel on Thursday urged world powers to halt nuclear talks with Iran immediately, citing a U.N. watchdog's announcement that Tehran has started producing enriched uranium with more [...]