Revelation Bible Prophecy Blog
Revelation is a warning from Jesus about false Islamic teaching. Do not follow the False Prophet. Revelation-Now helps you learn the truth of Jesus. The blog has many articles about Islam, Jesus, end times, and Bible prophecy.
Islamic Invasion Temple Mount
ISLAMIC INVASION TEMPLE MOUNT SOON AS IRAN PRACTICES TEMPLE MOUNT ATTACK Thousands of paramilitary forces from Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards held war games simulating the capture of the Temple Mount from Israeli control, the Iranian Tasnim media reported. The reports said the Islamic forces stormed and liberated a replica of the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque. They said that 120 brigades of [...]
Gospel from Apostle Paul Was Rejected in Arabia
Paul Went to Arabia to Give the Gospel to Gentiles Arabia Rejected Gospel from Paul The Truth Was Rejected and instead replaced with Islam The Bible does not tell us much about Paul's time in Arabia. He went to Arabia for two to three years shortly after his miraculous conversion when Jesus Christ appeared to him. Yet Pre-Islamic Arabia was not a Christian territory at [...]
On Easter Sunday Turkey Votes a Step Closer to Creating Gog
What Does the Referendum in Turkey Have to Do with Ezekiel’s War? It is no coincidence that on Easter Sunday April 16, 2017, Turks will head to the ballot box in a major referendum on replacing the current parliamentary system with an executive presidency. They are creating Gog. Turks are voting to end democracy and put in place an Islamic dictator. When in history has [...]
Will Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem Trigger Ezekiel’s War? or Has Ezekiel’s War Already Begun?
Has Ezekiel’s War Already Begun? Although many people think Ezekiel’s War is sudden, God does not actually say that. So it is very possible that the war has already started. The war is described in Ezekiel 38-39. During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump’s team spoke often about moving the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But since taking office, this important issue [...]
Daniel Prophecy Matches Umar Caliph of Islam
Daniel prophecy matches Umar the caliph following Abu Bakr after Mohammad the False Prophet. The Bible gives 31 accurate prophecies about a future Islamic king in Daniel 11: 36-45. Many believe this person is the future Antichrist, but it is not. Umar the second Islamic caliph fulfilled all 31 prophecies of Daniel–exactly! The video on Umar and Daniel is here. Every point Daniel uses about this [...]
Islamic Terrorism Denies Jesus Is the Son of God
Islamic Terrorism Denies Jesus is the Son of God When You Understand Tawhid, You Understand the World Today Islamic terrorism denies Jesus is the Son of God. In Islam, the doctrine of “Tawhid” fights for the oneness of Allah and against Jesus the true God. Learn the truth of Jesus. Jesus is returning soon. The first word that should come to mind when thinking of [...]