Revelation Bible Prophecy Blog
Revelation is a warning from Jesus about false Islamic teaching. Do not follow the False Prophet. Revelation-Now helps you learn the truth of Jesus. The blog has many articles about Islam, Jesus, end times, and Bible prophecy.
You can believe that only Jesus gives salvation is truth. “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God loved us while we were still sinners. What a comfort. Tell all your friends! There is good news—there is a path back to God, but only Jesus gives salvation! There is truth! That Jesus gives salvation is truth also means salvation is found in no [...]
Jesus Miracle Resurrection Science Medical Proof
JESUS RAISED FOUR BODIES BACK TO LIFE! Modern Medical Science Proves These Are Miracles. Jesus performed many miracles, but none was greater than bringing a dead body back to life. Jesus said to the dead body of Lazarus: “Lazarus come forth.” With that simple command Jesus delivered a fantastic miracle in which he repaired and instantly reassembled the dead body of Lazarus. Note that Jesus [...]
Jesus Warns Us to Flee Islam’s Great City Mecca
JESUS WARNS FLEE MECCA Jesus Warns Everyone to Flee from Mecca-the City Riding the Islamic Beast of Revelation Lesson 16 In the Bible, Jesus warns us that a great city will attract people from all nations to worship a false god. Jesus also describes the great city as being like a prostitute woman. Jesus says the great city sits on seven mountains, rules over [...]
Jesus Revelation Warns Mecca Destroyed
JESUS REVELATION WARNS MECCA JESUS WARNED OF A HARLOT WOMAN-A “GREAT CITY” THAT RIDES THE BEAST THE “GREAT CITY” WILL BE DESTROYED IN ONE HOUR Jesus Revelation warns Mecca. The Book of Revelation uses the image of a harlot woman to illustrate a great city that blasphemes the true God. Where is this “great city”? The Bible says the city rules over the kings, “rides [...]
Beast Given Satan Throne in Kaaba
THE BIBLE SAYS SATAN GAVE HIS THRONE TO THE BEAST; IT HAPPENED WHEN ISLAMIC PRAYER WAS TRANSFERRED TO BAAL IN THE KAABA The Bible says the beast was given Satan throne. The Satan throne transfer happened when the Islamic prayer direction was changed by Allah from Jerusalem to Baal in the Kaaba. New Video of Satan’s Throne Transfer is here: Why would Satan, who desires [...]
Apocalypse Horsemen Islam Prophecy in the Bible
Four Horsemen Revelation Prophecy Completely Fulfilled Apocalypse horsemen Islam prophecy is in the Bible. It is Revelation chapter six. Their colors of white, red, black and pale green are the universal colors of Islam. All this has come to pass. exactly as Jesus told us! Learn the truth of Jesus in the Bible. There is no path to heaven but through Jesus the Son of [...]