Revelation Bible Prophecy Blog2022-03-08T19:18:44+00:00

Revelation Bible Prophecy Blog

Revelation is a warning from Jesus about false Islamic teaching. Do not follow the False Prophet. Revelation-Now helps you learn the truth of Jesus. The blog has many articles about Islam, Jesus, end times, and Bible prophecy.

An introduction to Bible prophecy about Islam
1209, 2016

Islamic Terrorism Opposes Jesus as God

By |September 12th, 2016|Categories: Monthly, Prophetic Current Events, Trust in Jesus|Comments Off on Islamic Terrorism Opposes Jesus as God

Islamic Terrorism Opposes Jesus as Son of God Christians understand Islamic terrorism opposes Jesus as the Son of God.  Muslims respect Jesus as a prophet, but some fight to remove Him as the Son of God. The Koran says Jesus is just a messenger, while the Bible repeatedly tells us Jesus is God. There is no path to heaven but through the sacrificial death and [...]

2108, 2016

Jesus Truth Answers Islam Doctrine of False Teaching

By |August 21st, 2016|Categories: Bible vs Qur’an, Monthly, Trust in Jesus|Comments Off on Jesus Truth Answers Islam Doctrine of False Teaching

Jesus truth answers Islam doctrine of false teaching from the Koran. Jesus is love, is God and the only path to heaven.  Learn the truth of Jesus while there is still time. Most Muslims are not like ISIS and are not terrorists. But all have been given a false story about the real Jesus. Gospel of John in English and Arabic The Islamic State, also [...]

1108, 2016

Ezekiel Prophecy Islamic Invasion is Near

By |August 11th, 2016|Categories: Bible Warns of Islam, Gog Magog War, Monthly|Comments Off on Ezekiel Prophecy Islamic Invasion is Near

The Fractured Islamic Lands The New York Times Magazine has a very sober article (Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart) on the terrible mess today in the Islamic countries surrounding Israel.  It is worth reading all of it.  As you might expect the New York Times does not have a good explanation as to why this is occurring.  They just know something very [...]

2307, 2016

Erdogan Gog Ezekiel Prophecy Progressing

By |July 23rd, 2016|Categories: Bible Warns of Islam, Gog Magog War, Monthly|Comments Off on Erdogan Gog Ezekiel Prophecy Progressing

Erdogan Gog Ezekiel prophecy progressing into reality as the Islamic strong man terrorizes Turkey after the recent failed military coup attempt. The Gog video is here: In just the past week Erdogan has done the following: • fired 20,000 teachers • placed 20,000 “plotters” in prison • jailed 115 generals and admirals • placed 15,000 soldiers in prison • fired 3,000 judges (1/3 of all judges in Turkey) • fired 10,000 [...]

607, 2016

The Final Two Wars for Israel Led by Gog

By |July 6th, 2016|Categories: Bible vs Qur’an, Gog Magog War, Monthly|Comments Off on The Final Two Wars for Israel Led by Gog

Understanding “Gog 1” and “Gog 2” Wars in Israel. In the end times there are two final wars in Israel that are often confused for the same conflict–but are most likely different.  They can be thought of more as an ongoing process.  Much like World War II was a continuation of unresolved issues left over from World War I. The Islamic leader is “Gog”. Gog [...]

2406, 2016

The Many Islamic Wars Today

By |June 24th, 2016|Categories: Bible Warns of Islam, Monthly, Prophetic Current Events|Comments Off on The Many Islamic Wars Today

Islam is busy reforming itself into the Babylon-Persian Kingdom with wars!! Islam is busy reforming itself into the Babylon-Persian Kingdom.  It is doing this with the sword, despite being mistakenly called by westerners as “the Religion of Peace.”  The Islamic winners will be dominated by Shia Islam. The UN Report on Displaced Persons shows startling facts.  There are more people displaced by war today than [...]

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