The Many Islamic Wars Today

Islam is busy reforming itself into the Babylon-Persian Kingdom with wars!! Islam is busy reforming itself into the Babylon-Persian Kingdom.  It is doing this with the sword, despite being mistakenly called by westerners as “the Religion of Peace.”  The Islamic winners will be dominated by Shia Islam. The UN Report on Displaced Persons shows startling facts.  [...]

By |2022-05-09T18:33:16+00:00June 24th, 2016|Categories: Bible Warns of Islam, Monthly, Prophetic Current Events|

Beast Image Kaaba Cloth Erdogan Displays at Funeral

Erdogan of Turkey Brings Kaaba Cloth Image of the Beast Cloth Displayed at Muhammad Ali’s Funeral Beast image Kaaba cloth Erdogan displayed at a funeral for Muhammad Ali.  Jesus warned us about the beast and a False Prophet.  Listen to Jesus.  Baal was placed in the Abyss by God (Isaiah 14 and Jeremiah 51).  The False [...]

By |2022-05-09T18:34:16+00:00June 13th, 2016|Categories: Great Harlot City, Image of the Beast, Monthly|

Jesus Prophecy Islam Warnings Given in the Bible

Jesus prophecy Islam warnings are given throughout the Bible.  The Book of Revelation is a detailed warning about Islam.  Listen to Jesus. Jesus is truth. There is no path to heaven but through Jesus. Welcome!  Our website is now running to spread the end times Gospel message to Christians and Muslims. The website is designed [...]

By |2022-05-09T18:38:11+00:00May 7th, 2016|Categories: Bible vs Qur’an, Listen to Jesus, Monthly|
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