Jesus Will Return

Jesus Reveals the Zechariah Prophecy Meaning

ONLY JESUS CAN REVEAL THE ZECHARIAH PROPHECY ZECHARIAH PROPHECY SAYS HADAD RIMMON WILL WEEP WHEN CHRIST RETURNS CERTAINLY ONLY JESUS HAS THE POWER TO REVEAL ZECHARIAH   Only Jesus can reveal the Zechariah prophecy, the prophecy of Hadad Rimmon (Baal) weeping and mourning when Christ returns.  This gives a powerful truth; surely only Jesus can bring [...]

By |2024-04-02T15:46:38+00:00April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Bible Prophecy, Jesus Is Truth, Jesus Will Return, Lessons|Tags: , , , , , |

Biblical Prophecy Fulfilled Today Is a Sure Sign

BIBLICAL PROPHECY FULFILLED TODAY IS A SURE SIGN JESUS IS RETURNING SOON Biblical prophecy fulfilled today, especially since 1948 and 1967, means we are living in the last days.  Much Biblical prophecy has been fulfilled since 1948. This means Jesus is returning sooner than most understand.  Now is the time to accept Jesus as the Lord [...]

By |2022-05-03T14:21:57+00:00July 7th, 2019|Categories: Bible Prophecy, Jesus Will Return, Lessons|

Ezekiel Prophecy Gog Israel Attack Nearing Fulfillment

EZEKIEL PROPHECY GOG ISRAEL ATTACK AND INVASION IS NEARING FULFILLMENT Ezekiel prophecy Gog Israel attack in the latter days is nearing fulfillment today as Erdogan of Turkey moves troops into Syria along with Iran (Persia).  Erdogan may be Gog.  Ezekiel saw this 2600 years ago.  This is a sure sign Jesus is returning soon.  Now is [...]

By |2022-05-03T16:55:13+00:00July 7th, 2019|Categories: Jesus Will Return, Lessons, Prophetic Israel|
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